Rainbow Balloons
Rainbow Balloons
With the law enacted by the General Directorate of Civil Aviation in 2013, Rainbow Balloons was founded in 2014 and has 9 balloon slot rights in the Cappadocia Region.
The founders of Rainbow Balloons were passionate about hot air balloons and wanted to share this passion with the world. They knew that the hot air balloon experience was not just about floating in the air; it was about creating memories that would last a lifetime.
Rainbow Balloons’ team of skilled pilots and staff were trained to provide the best possible experience to their customers. They knew that every customer was unique, and they worked hard to customize each flight to meet the customer’s needs.
The founders of Rainbow Balloons were passionate about hot air balloons and wanted to share this passion with the world. They knew that the hot air balloon experience was not just about floating in the air; it was about creating memories that would last a lifetime.
Rainbow Balloons’ team of skilled pilots and staff were trained to provide the best possible experience to their customers. They knew that every customer was unique, and they worked hard to customize each flight to meet the customer’s needs.
Max. Flying Capacity
212 Passenger
Current Fleet (In Service)
* Hot Air Balloons
10 Years